Big News!!

(((Sigh))) It’s so easy to get caught up in life, and truthfully, we are really good at doing just that, but we haven’t forgotten about you.  We hope this blog post finds you and yours doing well with your best days just ahead of you.  If not, please, drop us a line, we are more than happy to pray for you and your family.

We’ve been moving right along.  We’ve done several vending shows (with more to come), and we have a new bar of soap that just came off the curing racks today.  It’s called Rainforest and it smells wonderful!!  I (Patrice) just might have a new favorite scent.  I actually hate fragrances, which is part of the reason we don’t use them in our products. This bar has an essential oil blend that includes violet, cedar leaf, citronella, eucalyptus, galbanum, lemon and pathchouli.

On to our news!  We are preparing to have our products sold in a physical store, here in New Jersey.  We’ll give you more information about that on a later date.

We are also preparing to do home shows and workshops.  Here’s how things will work: for both, home shows and workshops, you, as the host will have an opportunity to earn free and 1/2 priced products based on the sales from your event.

For home shows, we come in and give a brief, fun and educational talk about our products vs commercial products found in stores, with samples for your guests to try during the event. You will also get to choose an exclusive product for your event, from a list of items we make but don’t sell. This product will be your first free gift.

For workshops, you get to choose an item (we will provide a list) and we will teach you and your guests how to make your own.  Workshops will include a nominal fee as guests will take home the product made.  Because we love surprises, there are a few other added benefits and fun additions we will include in our shows and workshops but we don’t want to spill the beans just yet! You’ll have to book with us to find out. We’d love to come out and have some fun with you!  For now, we are doing shows in both the New Jersey and Washington, DC metropolitan areas.  We are currently booking only one to two shows/workshops each month, so contact us at to settle on a date!

In the meantime, enjoy 10% off  any order with the following code: 8EBRYAQORB1I

This code is good until Friday May 22, 2015 Shop here!

We’re Still Here!

We know, we know, it’s been a long time since you’ve heard from us.  We’ve been keeping busy.  Lots of changes, life transitions, new callings, various events and more.  We just wanted to stop in the midst of it all to let you know we’re still here and we’re still going strong!  In fact, we are making plans for several exciting events.  Our next upcoming event is a Prophetic Retreat in Basking Ridge NJ on April 10th and 11th.  We’re going to be selling our products, ministering with the prophetic team and Patrice will be leading worship on Friday night! Busy, busy, busy, and so much fun!

One of our latest cool happenings is that a baby developed a rash from every kind of lotion her mom used on her skin. Long story short, ours cleared it right up!  We love how our products promote healing.  It’s not just lotion, lip balm, etc, just for the sake of being lotion, lip balm, etc.  Our products really work!  We are constantly getting responses and stories like this.  We never tire of them and love being able to help others!

In case there’s something you need, here’s 15% off until March 26th- IBYWTOWQCYZZ

If you have Verizon as your internet provider, we are again having issues with Verizon customers accessing our website, so if that’s you, you can access our store directly by going here.

Yay! No More Technical Issues!

Hazaah!! Our website is back to normal! What a crazy time we’ve had! On Thanksgiving night, after going over everything to make sure all was set for our Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday sales, we discovered that we could not access our website. We could access it to make changes but when we typed , it was as if the website didn’t exist.

At first we thought it was an isolated issue but over that weekend, we were contacted by four different people, all with one particular internet provider, who couldn’t access our site. Those beloved four found other ways to purchase from us. We know there were probably others but let’s just not think about that, OK?? 🙂 Instead, let’s think about some good stuff.  Now that the issue has been resolved and we discovered that we exceeded our goals for our first month as Eden’s Pure Herbals, we’re celebrating!

Celebrating with Sparkling Cider, cheese, grapes and a side of cute baby face...

Celebrating with sparkling cider, cheese, grapes and a side of cute baby face…

We can’t thank you enough for hanging in there with us and supporting us.  We think this calls for more discounts! On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, December 10th, 11th & 12th, use this code, PRIML1S9J5XA and get $5 off your order, plus additional possible discounts, depending on what you order. 😉

P.S. We did another vending event on Saturday and that too was very successful and fun!  We had a fabulous time, meeting people and I (Patrice) even got on the mic and did some karaoke!  One guy said I should be singing instead of selling our products, I just smiled but thought about how fortunate I am in that I can do it all!  No limits for me!  I hope you’ll not allow anyone to box you into doing “that one thing” either. Why not use all of your gifts and talents?  I’ve always been a little irked by the “jack of all trades, master of none” adage.  There are people who can do many things quite well, I’m living proof of that fact.  How about you?

Holy Discounts!! (Batman)

First, I (Patrice) have to say, the Batman reference in the title was sheer compulsion, nothing more.  I don’t like Batman at all. The way he speaks grates on my nerves. I don’t understand the pseudo sexy, wispy, whisper thing he tends to love doing.  He sounds stupid. The issue is, when the lyrics of a song, a slogan, or title fit a situation, I feel compelled to insert it.

I (Jaiela) like Batman,  especially the older version with the ((WHAM!)) ((POW!))’s, underwear on the outside, and Batman’s drawn on eyebrows.

Those were the good ol’ days. 🙂 Yes, the good old days when Jaiela, and I weren’t even born, lol!  Jaiela loves old movies and shows.  It’s really cool to see how excited she gets over the classics.

Know what else grates on my nerbs (as my 7 year old says, lol)? Holiday events, “restaurants”, and potluck dinners where the people preparing the food refuse to actually cook the food.  It’s all prepackaged stuff with God knows what in the ingredients.  I’m always genuinely shocked that some people don’t/won’t cook.  Now, I know this is all coming from a homeschool mom but wait, no, I’m a homeschool mom!! Of four!!  I get *no* time off, I do speaking events, singing events (coloratura soprano here, woot woot!), homeschool activities, church activities, doula work, placenta encapsulation (yeah, I know…) and my oldest and I run this really neat herbal business, making all the products ourselves so I know what busy is, and, we cook our food.

I think it’s sad when a homecooked meal becomes a commodity and the norm is the prepackaged junk that fills the inner aisles of supermarkets. (Shop the perimeter folks!) Don’t you deserve more than the occasional homecooked meal?  I think you do. We’ve started back up on a bit of bread eating which reminds me that I need to get going on my sourdough starter again because I let it go. 😦  There’s nothing like fresh, homemade sourdough bread.  I could kick myself for letting my starter die. (((sigh))) I won’t though, because I really like myself.

Anyway, on to the discounts!  With Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday all days away, we thought we’d offer greater discounts on the latter two days.  So, on Small Business Saturday, November 29, 2014 use the code TKAGJ5GADJOE and get 30% off your order.  On Cyber Monday, December 1, 2014, use the code 25QSNX28HJ5X  and get free shipping on all orders.

That’s it for now!  Happy Thanksgiving!! (EAT REAL FOOD)

Weekly Check-In

We hope this blog post finds you all cozy and snug where ever you are today.  As we type this, it’s drizzling outside, there’s a chill in the air.  It’s the kind of weather that’s nice when you don’t have to go out. Great for hot tea, long baths and napping. Actually, that sounds like a good plan for the rest of the day.  We made up a few exclusive items and sold them at the craft fair at Fabricland- a cold and flu relief tea blend, and a winter bath salts blend.  We’ll definitely make some of the bath salts up for ourselves and use them, they smell great and have lots of healthy, detoxifying ingredients in them.

Speaking of the craft fair, it went pretty well.  We’re seeing a trend…  Even when we do vending events where the turn out is lower than expected, we still do quite well with the crowd that attends.  That’s a blessing and great confirmation for us.  Here’s a not so great picture of Jaiela at our table.  We got too busy to get a really good shot- which is a good “problem” to have if you ask us. 🙂


Now, that the Fabricland event is behind us, we are preparing for the holiday season. We hope you’ll consider shopping with Eden’s Pure Herbals this year.  Our products make wonderful, health conscious gifts.  Use the following code to get 15% off your order until December 18, 2014 IBYWTOWQCYZZ.

If you’re not already a part of Eden’s Elite (our email subscribers group), now’s a great time to subscribe as Eden’s Elite gets steeper discounts and bonuses. Click here to sign up. If you’re already one of Eden’s Elite, look out for your coupon code (at the bottom of your newsletter) to shop with us during the holiday season. As promised, everyone who shopped with us before our official opening (October 28, 2014) will receive a separate coupon code as thanks for being among our first customers.

Until next week, peace and blessings to you and yours!

Our Podcast with GNOWFGLINS

We are so thrilled! Orders are coming in, we’re pumping them right out, and, we have a big event coming up this weekend at the Fabricland in North Plainfield.  Come visit us if you’re in town!

What’s more, we had a ball doing our first podcast, and, it’s out now!  So, this week, we just wanted to share the podcast we did with Wardeh of GNOWFGLINS with you.  Click here to listen to the podcast and enter the giveaway!